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Visa, Mastercard, PayPal & American Express
Apps voor
Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome & Firefox
IKEv2, OpenVPN, L2TP, IPSec & PPTP
Gratis uitproberen
30 dagen geld-terug-garantie
Houdt geen logs bij
2200+ Servers
37+ Landen
46+ Server locaties
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Ga naar ZenMate Bekijk 1 pakketten Bekijk 411 review(s)

Beoordeling heeft in totaal 411 beoordelingen voor ZenMate. In totaal heeft 49742 beoordelingen. Dat betekend dat 1% van alle beoordelingen over ZenMate gaat. Onze bezoekers geven ZenMate gemiddeld 4.5 sterren. De gemiddelde score op is 4.5.

ZenMate Review

Bij ZenMate kan je binnen 30 dagen je abonnement stopzetten en je geld terug krijgen als blijkt dat na het starten van je VPN abonnement de service toch niet is wat je had gehoopt. Voor veel providers is dit een alternatief op een gratis proefperiode.

ZenMate heeft 2200 servers om een VPN verbinding naar te maken. Met deze VPN protocollen kan je verbinden naar de VPN servers van ZenMate: IKEv2, OpenVPN, L2TP, IPSec, PPTP. Je kan een VPN verbindingen uiteraard altijd handmatig laten verbinden. Om het jou gemakkelijker te maken heeft ZenMate voor de volgende apparaten een eenvoudige app gemaakt om snel te kunnen verbinden: Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome, Firefox.

Mocht je uiteindelijk een betaald abonnement afsluiten bij ZenMate dan heb je daarvoor 4 betaalmogelijkheden. De methodes om te betalen bij ZenMate zijn: Visa, Mastercard, PayPal en American Express.

Betalen bij ZenMate doe je met:

Ga naar ZenMate Bekijk 1 pakketten Bekijk 411 review(s)


Pakket Verbindingen Datalimiet Verlengd automatisch Duur Pakketprijs
VPN 5 Geen limiet Ja 30 dagen € 9,99 Bestel
1 jaar € 53,88 Bestel
3 jaar € 59,00 Bestel


cistosaracnoide gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

ZenMate offers a very good service. The performance of the VPN is excellent, because even watching a HD 720p sreaming video, no freezing at all. Efficient data encryption, no DNS leak detected. Many countries are available, very easy to use, nice GUI interface, and excellent support.

GE gaf ZenMate: 1.00 sterren

Really terrible "premium" support. I started using Zenmate about 3 years ago and at first it was quite good, even free. I then paid "premium" because I wanted to access some other countries. But in the last year or so, performance is really really terrible. Also "premium" support is virtually non-existent. You send them an email and then you get a response 48 hours later from a "robot" basically referring you to their website and to try and fix it yourself. Then you email them again, because you've already tried all the things that are on their website and then finally a week later you get an email from an actual person, but that person hasn't understood a word of what you're saying and basically it's not fixed. Performance really slow, some countries won't work, streaming really slow and really really poor quality.

Alexey Gantman gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

Well, works good. Supporters work... What else? Fare price for these features

David B. (Devon) gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

I'll support this company when it goes 'public' - I'd love to own shares in due course!

Stephen Whitelaw gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

ZenMate is the best VPN solution I have used - it is very fast and stable.

Brian Adamson gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

Well impressed by their commitment to customer service. I contacted Zenmate to say that I had a problem accessing the internet using their VPN. I received an almost immediate response and within a matter of minutes the problem was resolved - makes a very pleasant change in this day & age to see customer service at it's best.

phillip gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

excellent, no problems, recommended

Maxim Donika gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

Nice VPN, best support ever, easy and fast refund.

Howard Phillips gaf ZenMate: 1.00 sterren

Straight up scam company. Without any notice they auto-billed me to renew their sub-par "service". This would not be a big issue except that the renewal was double the original rate, and in checking over my email history, they have not contacted me since the previous payment. When trying to get a refund I was basically told "You agreed to our ToS, so haha". Avoid at all costs, literally.

valparaiso gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

It was really quick and professional. I got issues with unsupported old version, which I downloaded from software site. Support was extremely helping, friendly and didn't try to teach me (or preach to me) - as many others like to do. In essence, they instructed me on what needs to be done and I got online. Whole interaction took below 24 hours, only per email. I will recommend ZenMate because other support.

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