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Visa, Mastercard, PayPal & American Express
Apps voor
Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome & Firefox
IKEv2, OpenVPN, L2TP, IPSec & PPTP
Gratis uitproberen
30 dagen geld-terug-garantie
Houdt geen logs bij
2200+ Servers
37+ Landen
46+ Server locaties
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Ga naar ZenMate Bekijk 1 pakketten Bekijk 411 review(s)

Beoordeling heeft in totaal 411 beoordelingen voor ZenMate. In totaal heeft 49742 beoordelingen. Dat betekend dat 1% van alle beoordelingen over ZenMate gaat. Onze bezoekers geven ZenMate gemiddeld 4.5 sterren. De gemiddelde score op is 4.5.

ZenMate Review

Bij ZenMate kan je binnen 30 dagen je abonnement stopzetten en je geld terug krijgen als blijkt dat na het starten van je VPN abonnement de service toch niet is wat je had gehoopt. Voor veel providers is dit een alternatief op een gratis proefperiode.

ZenMate heeft 2200 servers om een VPN verbinding naar te maken. Met deze VPN protocollen kan je verbinden naar de VPN servers van ZenMate: IKEv2, OpenVPN, L2TP, IPSec, PPTP. Je kan een VPN verbindingen uiteraard altijd handmatig laten verbinden. Om het jou gemakkelijker te maken heeft ZenMate voor de volgende apparaten een eenvoudige app gemaakt om snel te kunnen verbinden: Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome, Firefox.

Mocht je uiteindelijk een betaald abonnement afsluiten bij ZenMate dan heb je daarvoor 4 betaalmogelijkheden. De methodes om te betalen bij ZenMate zijn: Visa, Mastercard, PayPal en American Express.

Betalen bij ZenMate doe je met:

Ga naar ZenMate Bekijk 1 pakketten Bekijk 411 review(s)


Pakket Verbindingen Datalimiet Verlengd automatisch Duur Pakketprijs
VPN 5 Geen limiet Ja 30 dagen € 9,99 Bestel
1 jaar € 53,88 Bestel
3 jaar € 59,00 Bestel


Karla Silveyra gaf ZenMate: 1.00 sterren

It represents an inconvenience that you guys use a weird email for product delivery, you guys know it goes to Junk folder constantly, and take an exaggerated amount of time to deliver a software that is so well done. The hardest part for a software company is delivering a quality product you guys did the hardest part already. The software is great, this has been so frustrating. Get a regular customer service where we can directly solve issues. 2 days to solve anything is way too long even answering next day is very frustrating. And the system in which we are calling an external source just so they can email you guys questions then give us an answer is frustrating and time consuming. You guys really need to speed it up. You have good reviews, I wonder if you started doing something different cause your Customer Support sucks.

Mike gaf ZenMate: 4.00 sterren

So far so good.. I have been using this service for a few days now. Super fast connection. Good amount of servers and load is good in my area.

Alan gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

Easy to use and brilliant customer service.

Muhammad Ali gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

Great Support

JoJo gaf ZenMate: 4.00 sterren

Bonne connexion mais pas parfaite La connexion est meilleure sur nord vpn et le choix de pays est plus élevé aussi

kerim fecir hız gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

technically it is constantly developing. The after-sales support team is also very successful. Congratulations.

Gregg gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

I bought this years back when there was little demand for this service but didn't use it for a few years. I've never had any issues and have it set up to autorun at startup. Every once in awhile my favorites go away but are easily restored. GUI is easy. Great product.

Ift GOn gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

I just got the new update which unlimt the device I can use. I to great becuase I have many devices such as PC,Tablet, Smart TV... along with that, the speed is getting better and better and now I have more than 65 countries to connect to! Keep up the good work!

Jeremy Hamill-Keays gaf ZenMate: 1.00 sterren

Lousy, doesn't work for streaming, no support for days on end, no refunds. Avoid apparently being down for one week is no reason for a refund quote (customer support) "A temporary situation can be anything between a 24 hour shortage or a 1 week period." so if you need a VPN which can stay working for more than 24 hours look somewhere else. Once they have your money, they don't care.

Phil Michel gaf ZenMate: 5.00 sterren

I had an issue with logging into my account. ZenMate support was quick to respond and provided the needed information to get me back into my account. Customer service can;t get any better than that!

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