Vergelijk GooseVPN via
Its not worth it! Customer service is bad as well. Contacted customer service and still no response to help.
Goose VPN is straight forward to use, it is easy to change the server being used which is a help in me trying to shake off my permanent hacker, an exneighbour! Horrible little man.
It’s easy to use no doubt and so far good for streaming. However I bought it for Kodi/OSMC and it doesn’t work. I load the .ovpn files that’s all god however, enter the username and pad and select the country to connect to then come up with -=keep alive conflict message.
Good job. Goose
Heel gebruikersvriendelijk, alleen jammer dat je vanuit de stand-by stand telkens opnieuw moet verbinden.
Ik ben correct en goed behandeld
Qua gebruiksgemak ideaal en overzichtelijk. alleen krijg ik max 40 mbps op p2p server op de 4g verbinding, zonder vpn haal ik max 180mbps.
Precies wat ik wil!
Gratis maand proefperiode is niet gratis, kost 45cent en tot op heden niet terug na stopzetten abonnement. Website is duidelijk, app voor android is duidelijk, maar veel werd geblokkeerd, zowel op de telefoon als op de pc. Downloaden via deze VPN gaat zeer traag, met een standaard lijn van 400mbit/s hield ik via de vpn niet veel meer over als 4 tot 7 mbit/s. Dus helaas voor mij een no go.
Simple & effective Fair price for the service's quality. Didn't contact the support but the web site, tools, team & spirit seem good to me, so recommending to favor such privacy provider, with trust! Good bandwidth on top of my fibre connection. Multiple devices [type] support, no limit, easy install from app and other config means made easily available Sometimes facing issues to connect to the listed vpn server (IDKv2 only) and moreover when having network interruptions, the reconnection might have to be performed manually KillSwitch support available, but not sure it's 100 safe since had a few surprises while doing my networks installation, refer to previous point on automated reconnection Tip beyond GooseVPN: don't forget to switch off your box's IPV6 protocol support, else your IPV4 is a goose one, but your IPV6 address remains accessible