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Gebaseerd op 207 reviews

Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, American Express, Discover, JCB & Union Pay
Apps voor
Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome, Firefox & Amazon Fire TV
Gratis uitproberen
15 dagen geld-terug-garantie
Houdt geen logs bij
35+ Servers
31+ Landen
35+ Server locaties
Contact mogelijkheden
Social Media
Ga naar FastestVPN Bekijk 1 pakketten Bekijk 207 review(s)

Beoordeling heeft in totaal 207 beoordelingen voor FastestVPN. In totaal heeft 49742 beoordelingen. Dat betekend dat 0% van alle beoordelingen over FastestVPN gaat. Onze bezoekers geven FastestVPN gemiddeld 4.1 sterren. De gemiddelde score op is 4.5.

FastestVPN Review

Bij FastestVPN kan je binnen 15 dagen je abonnement stopzetten en je geld terug krijgen als blijkt dat na het starten van je VPN abonnement de service toch niet is wat je had gehoopt. Voor veel providers is dit een alternatief op een gratis proefperiode.

FastestVPN heeft 35 servers om een VPN verbinding naar te maken. Met deze VPN protocollen kan je verbinden naar de VPN servers van FastestVPN: OpenVPN, L2TP, PPTP, SSTP. Je kan een VPN verbindingen uiteraard altijd handmatig laten verbinden. Om het jou gemakkelijker te maken heeft FastestVPN voor de volgende apparaten een eenvoudige app gemaakt om snel te kunnen verbinden: Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome, Firefox, Amazon Fire TV.

Mocht je uiteindelijk een betaald abonnement afsluiten bij FastestVPN dan heb je daarvoor 7 betaalmogelijkheden. De methodes om te betalen bij FastestVPN zijn: Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, American Express, Discover, JCB en Union Pay.

Betalen bij FastestVPN doe je met:

Ga naar FastestVPN Bekijk 1 pakketten Bekijk 207 review(s)


Pakket Verbindingen Datalimiet Verlengd automatisch Duur Pakketprijs
VPN 10 Geen limiet Ja 30 dagen € 8,99 Bestel
1 jaar € 26,92 Bestel
3 jaar € 35,90 Bestel
5 jaar € 44,89 Bestel


Thijs gaf FastestVPN: 3.00 sterren

I got a 12 hours trial account, offered through the live chat. The support agent is very kind and the support is of good quality. The VPN connection seems to be stable on my Macbook (using IKEv2 protocol), with no real issue whatsoever. Ads are being blocked (although there is no setting to turn it off). However, I figured out IKEv2 isn't fully stable on iOS unfortunately: After a while the internet connection seems to stop (while it looks like the VPN is still connected) and especially when switching between cellular to WiFi, the internet connection breaks and I am unable to load any website or such. I have to disconnect from the VPN within the app and reconnect manually. (I tried using IKEv2 using a different VPN service, which didn't result in any issue(s), so I conclude this issue is bound to FastestVPN.) The VPN looks quite trustworthy to me, and the issue might be resolved later on or might not appear to everyone, so don't hesitate to try this VPN for yourself by asking for a trial.

Joe herry gaf FastestVPN: 5.00 sterren

FastestVPN is like the perfect package; offering the best speeds, sound security, and has a user-friendly interface designed for every kind of customer.

Miami Johns gaf FastestVPN: 5.00 sterren

FastestVPN providing top-notch security with military-grade encryption, innumerable servers and locations, and kill-switch all at affordable prices. What more could you ask for?

Joshua Gulmatico gaf FastestVPN: 5.00 sterren

Looking for a reliable VPN that doesn’t harvest all your log-in details or even one that allows you to bypass any geo-restricted platforms; then it’s time to knock on the FastestVPN door.

Amanda Wellington gaf FastestVPN: 5.00 sterren

FastestVPN allows every internet surfing experience to be a successful one. You don’t have to worry about anonymity, considering they don’t keep a tab on logs. It also allows you to stream and download your favorite movies without any malfunction.

Frank Cooper gaf FastestVPN: 5.00 sterren

Privacy plays a big part in making internet surfing safe again. If you ever need that extra bit of security for your surfing, FastestVPN fits right down your alley.

Alana Martina gaf FastestVPN: 5.00 sterren

Looking for a reliable VPN that doesn’t harvest all your log-in details or even one that allows you to bypass any geo-restricted platforms; then it’s time to knock on the FastestVPN door.

Alex Dee gaf FastestVPN: 5.00 sterren

Good and reliable VPN First of all, confidentiality is important for me, FastestVPN does not keep logs for its users, does not register actions on the Internet. I tested the program on the DNS site Leak Test, IPleak and made sure that my personal data did not leak when FastestVPN was connected. Settings are minimized with just three protocol choices (OpenVPN, IKEv2, L2TP, PPTP), starting a client with Windows, and enabling or disabling the kill key. FastestVPN also includes ad blocking, I used to be skeptical about this, but FastestVPN was a surprise: it made even the most advertising pages readable. The ad blocking function in the program is good enough to be useful, especially because blocking at the VPN level means that it automatically works on each connected device, without the need to install any additional software.

Brian Walsh gaf FastestVPN: 1.00 sterren

Honestly it's a terrible service, avoid like the plague!

Gio Delaqua gaf FastestVPN: 1.00 sterren

You would have to be a fool to hand over any monies to any website that has no contact details at all. Claims 24-hour support with what? no chat no nothing. At last of all, the SCAMMERS favorite, Payment by PayPal. But it is written like this Credit Card/PayPal. there is no PayPal on that site. and really VPN? Virtual Private Network? Your speed is restricted by your internet service provider. Dummies

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