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Based on 5151 reviews

Payment methods
Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, iDeal, American Express, Discover, Sofort, Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies, Amazon Pay & Google Pay
Apps for
Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome, Firefox & Amazon Fire TV
IKEv2, OpenVPN & IPSec
Free trial
30 days money-back-guarantee
Doesn’t keep logs
1040+ Servers
61+ Countries
Number of locations unknown
Contact methods
Social Media
Go to Surfshark View 1 packages View 5151 reviews

Rating has a total of 5151 reviews for Surfshark. In total has 49742 reviews. Which means that 10% of all reviews is about Surfshark. Our visitors give Surfshark an average of 4.3 stars. The average score on is 4.5.

Surfshark Review

At Surfshark, you can try the VPN service before you decide to sign a subscription. You can also ask for your money back within 30 days if you have subscribed to a VPN subscription but the service is not to your liking.

Surfshark has 1040 servers to connect to and you can do so through the following protocols: IKEv2, OpenVPN and IPSec. In addition to connecting manually, Surfshark provides the apps for the following platforms to easily and quickly connect to VPN: Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome, Firefox and Amazon Fire TV.

If you decide to take out your subscription with Surfshark, you can choose from 11 payment options. You can pay with the following methods at Surfshark: Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, iDeal, American Express, Discover, Sofort, Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies, Amazon Pay and Google Pay. You can pay here with a Crypto coin! With payment via a Crypto coin, your payment can remain completely anonymous.

You can pay at Surfshark with:

Go to Surfshark View 1 packages View 5151 reviews


Package Connections Data limit Renews automatically Length Package price
VPN 1000 No limit Yes 30 dagen € 9,89 Order
1 jaar € 59,88 Order


customer gave Surfshark: 4.00 stars

Good service

klant gave Surfshark: 4.00 stars

Ik heb nog niet gekozen voor alle 5 sterren, met twee redenen: * soms valt de verbinding even weg, maar binnen de seconde is die er weer. * verder heb ik nog onvoldoende lang ervaring met vpn, om een stevige conclusie neer te zetten. Ik ben echter wel erg tevreden tot nu toe!

customer gave Surfshark: 5.00 stars

Great service ! Good connections, and customer service is top notch.

customerjffjflfll,iyf gave Surfshark: 5.00 stars


Maddie Abbott gave Surfshark: 1.00 stars

Really poor support. Email after email telling me to do everything that I told Them I'd already done. Worse though is the fact they asked me for Detailed information on my Identity, as well as all my credit card details. They're based in the British Virgin Islands. ..why would I do such an insanely dangerous thing ad to send all my identifying and financial details over the internet to a company that could be anywhere! They even asked for my PayPal email address...

kparker gave Surfshark: 5.00 stars

works well and very easy to use. better than free vpn's.

Jason gave Surfshark: 5.00 stars

No problems so far, seems fast enough for streaming and connects well.

Customer Vanessa Luff gave Surfshark: 5.00 stars

Simply Brilliant

Sthefanie Karvig gave Surfshark: 5.00 stars

works like it should

Ich Bin`s gave Surfshark: 3.00 stars

Der Wechsel vom mobilen Internet zu Wlan und umgekehrt klappt oft nicht problemlos,

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