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Based on 5151 reviews

Payment methods
Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, iDeal, American Express, Discover, Sofort, Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies, Amazon Pay & Google Pay
Apps for
Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome, Firefox & Amazon Fire TV
IKEv2, OpenVPN & IPSec
Free trial
30 days money-back-guarantee
Doesn’t keep logs
1040+ Servers
61+ Countries
Number of locations unknown
Contact methods
Social Media
Go to Surfshark View 1 packages View 5151 reviews

Rating has a total of 5151 reviews for Surfshark. In total has 49742 reviews. Which means that 10% of all reviews is about Surfshark. Our visitors give Surfshark an average of 4.3 stars. The average score on is 4.5.

Surfshark Review

At Surfshark, you can try the VPN service before you decide to sign a subscription. You can also ask for your money back within 30 days if you have subscribed to a VPN subscription but the service is not to your liking.

Surfshark has 1040 servers to connect to and you can do so through the following protocols: IKEv2, OpenVPN and IPSec. In addition to connecting manually, Surfshark provides the apps for the following platforms to easily and quickly connect to VPN: Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Chrome, Firefox and Amazon Fire TV.

If you decide to take out your subscription with Surfshark, you can choose from 11 payment options. You can pay with the following methods at Surfshark: Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, iDeal, American Express, Discover, Sofort, Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies, Amazon Pay and Google Pay. You can pay here with a Crypto coin! With payment via a Crypto coin, your payment can remain completely anonymous.

You can pay at Surfshark with:

Go to Surfshark View 1 packages View 5151 reviews


Package Connections Data limit Renews automatically Length Package price
VPN 1000 No limit Yes 30 dagen € 9,89 Order
1 jaar € 59,88 Order


customer gave Surfshark: 4.00 stars

It does work, though its settings do not work as you wish

J gave Surfshark: 4.00 stars

Unfortunately due to my own issues I was unable to use this vpn however, customer service were speedy in giving me a refund and my customer service provider (nelly) was professional and helpful.

client(e) gave Surfshark: 5.00 stars

J'utilise le VPN depuis quelques mois et pas de mauvaise surprise ! Pour les services de vidéo à la demande c'est génial et dès qu'un serveur est banni, un serveur de remplacement est disponible sous environs 1 semaine ou 2 dans le pays concerné !

James Pirro gave Surfshark: 5.00 stars

Connects fast, does not drop signal. Good prices.

customer gave Surfshark: 3.00 stars

Works as expected. Unfortunately doesn't work on mobile for streaming media - big drawback Surfshark support page says "NOTE: Amazon Prime Video is currently not available on mobile devices while using Surfshark."

Jozef Louwies gave Surfshark: 2.00 stars

Als ik connectie maak met Surfshark voor België dan blokkeert het Google na enige tijd op mijn laptop en kan mijn laptop alleen nog geforceerd afsluiten. Er zal wel iets verkeerd zijn maar ik weet niet wat.

Gunter Guss gave Surfshark: 4.00 stars

Preis-Leistung ist einsame Spitze Allerdings spacken manchmal die Server etwas(sehr sehr selten) und dies ist durch einen simplen Server-wechsel lösbar. manchmal auch einfach durch zuviel Load eines einzelnen Servers. Also ist das Auto-Auswahl Tool noch nicht perfekt. Ingesamt sehr sehr zufrieden. Auch die CleanWeb-Funktion ist gerade am Handy wirklich toll, da man hier einen Werbeblocker ohne Root nutzen kann ;) Klare Kaufempfehlung

Frank gave Surfshark: 3.00 stars

The VPN itself is good but makes the system slow.

customer gave Surfshark: 4.00 stars

Great service and connection, my only caveat is that I wish my down speed was a little higher.

Surfshark liker gave Surfshark: 4.00 stars

I will admit that this has cut down a lot of crap coming into my network system like it was.

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