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Based on 9179 reviews

Payment methods
Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, iDeal, American Express & Bitcoin
Apps for
Android, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, AndroidTV, Linux, Chrome, Firefox & Amazon Fire TV
Free trial
45 days money-back-guarantee
Doesn’t keep logs
5799+ Servers
89+ Countries
111+ Server locations
Contact methods
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Rating has a total of 9179 reviews for CyberGhostVPN. In total has 49742 reviews. Which means that 18% of all reviews is about CyberGhostVPN. Our visitors give CyberGhostVPN an average of 4.7 stars. The average score on is 4.5. With this, CyberGhostVPN scores higher than average.

CyberGhostVPN Review

This is the review page of CyberGhostVPN. Here you will find an in-depth analysis of the use of the VPN service at CyberGhostVPN. In this review, we look in more detail at the following elements: Speed, installation, app use, the number of servers and countries, support and the various packages and payment options.

CyberGhostVPN speedtest

We perform speed tests with In addition, we opt for the server determined by and a multi-connection. First we perform the test without the connection with VPN and then with a VPN connection. We perform these two tests directly one after the other *. After comparing speed with and without VPN, we then perform a test on a VPN server in America.

The speed at our test location is very high. This allows us to fully test the speed of the VPN service.

Speedtest without connection to VPNSpeedtest without connection to VPN
Speedtest connected with VPNSpeedtest connected with VPN
Speedtest connected with VPN in the USASpeedtest connected with VPN in the USA

WOW! What a speed over the VPN service of CyberGhostVPN! As you can see, we are even better connected to the VPN of CyberGhostVPN than not. Of course for safety reasons, but also for speed! We are very surprised at what this test has shown! The speed that we achieve with the connection to a server in America is also very high. We will never experience any inconvenience from the connections at any time.

* Despite the fact that we perform the tests as directly as possible after each other, a speed test depends on many causes. As a result, a speed test is always indicative.

CyberGhostVPN Ease of installation

After logging in to the personal environment of CyberGhostVPN you can easily choose the app you want to install. At CyberGhostVPN you can configure up to 7 devices at the same time on the same account.

Download the app you likeDownload the app you like

Once you have downloaded the app of your choice, install the software. After installation you can log in to CyberGhostVPN in the app with the data you received. After this you can immediately use the VPN service.

Follow the installation stepsFollow the installation steps
Login to use CyberGhostVPNLogin to use CyberGhostVPN

CyberGhostVPN app easy of use

In this analysis, we thoroughly tested the Mac version of the app and found out whether it is handy and functional. The app chooses the best server that you can connect to, in our case the server in the Netherlands. Of course you can also choose which server you want to connect to.

Quick connect to the best serverQuick connect to the best server

With the two arrows at the bottom left you enter the screen to be able to choose multiple options. Choose here for servers that are suitable for downloading, or servers that are optimized for streaming different services. For example, connect to an American server that is optimized for using the American Netflix. You can also choose extra security here. A standard ad-blocker, blocking malicious website or block following what you do online. Set all of this in the CyberGhostVPN app.

Choose between many different locationsChoose between many different locations
Easily setup extra securityEasily setup extra security

Having trouble using the VPN service from CyberGhostVPN? Then check the connection in the app. Did the test fail? Then go directly from the app to the support page of CyberGhostVPN.

Run tests to test your connection.Run tests to test your connection.

CyberGhostVPN servers and countries

At CyberGhostVPN you can connect to approximately 5799 servers, at 111 locations in 89 countries. This is an incredibly high number and therefore there is always an available server to be found. CyberGhostVPN has also made a distinction between optimized download and streaming servers, use these servers to optimize your use of the VPN service.

Special designed server for streamingSpecial designed server for streaming

CyberGhostVPN support

We are going to test the support of CyberGhostVPN by starting a live chat about a fairly simple question. We then look at how quickly customer service responds and how quickly our question is answered. In addition, we also check whether the customer service representative is friendly to us, even though we ask a fairly simple question.

What we want to mention first is that you can make a choice in live chat between the different languages you want to chat with. Unfortunately Dutch does not occur, but this is still a great feature! We started the chat and were 3rd in line, despite that we were answered after 46 seconds. The correct answer came very quickly, after 56 seconds we had the answer we were hoping for. The support person we spoke with was very friendly. We received the reference of the chat that we asked for in our mail immediately after the chat had closed. Excellent support from CyberGhostVPN.

After sharing these results, we look at the support page of CyberGhostVPN. Is the support page intuitive? Do you find the answers to your questions quickly?

Easily search for answers to your questionsEasily search for answers to your questions

The support page is minimalistic and well-arranged. A handy search function for finding your questions and below clear buttons for further searching for the right category. For example, you can also find manuals for setting up the various apps here.

CyberGhostVPN packages and payment options

CyberGhostVPN offers 1 package. With the VPN package you can have 7 devices connected at the same time. The price per month is quite expensive, but if you buy immediately for a year, you will only pay €2.75 per month! That is why the price/quality ratio is very good!

Package Connections Data limit Renews automatically Length Package price
VPN 7 No limit Yes 30 dagen € 12,99 Order
1 jaar € 71,88 Order
2 jaar € 88,56 Order
3 jaar € 95,00 Order

You can take a 24-hour trial at CyberGhostVPN to test the service without obligation. Do you need longer? Then you can also try the VPN service by taking out a subscription and canceling your subscription within 45 days if you don’t like it. Within these 45 days, they have a money-back-guarantee.

You can pay in 6 ways at CyberGhostVPN. This allows you to use almost all possible payment options at CyberGhostVPN. You can also pay with Bitcoin here, so even the payment itself can remain anonymous!

Conclusion review about CyberGhostVPN

We are more than satisfied with the services of CyberGhostVPN. Especially after these tests, we are even more convinced that CyberGhostVPN is our number 1 VPN provider. The VPN is very fast, the app is good and the support is excellent! Especcialy if you purchase the VPN for a longer period, it is more than worth the price at CyberGhostVPN.

Go to CyberGhostVPN View 1 packages View 9179 reviews


Markus B. gave CyberGhostVPN: 5.00 stars

Das erste Mal, das ein VPN Programm für mich auf Anhieb und dauerhaft funktioniert. Brauche es hauptsächlich um englische Programme zu streamen. Sehr einfache Handhabung und hält, was es verspricht. Preis für 3 Jahre 88 € - Top.

delassure gave CyberGhostVPN: 5.00 stars


Aaron Jung gave CyberGhostVPN: 5.00 stars

Schön, übersichtlich und zu einem ermesslichen Preis! Gerade die Desktop App gefällt mir vom Design sehr gut und der Aufbau der App ist kinderleicht gestaltet. Beim Benutzen der VPN Dienste gibt es von der Bandbreite auch keinerlei Einschränkung.

ADROUG gave CyberGhostVPN: 5.00 stars

Je recommandes vivement...très facile à installer

Iwan Mächler gave CyberGhostVPN: 5.00 stars

Es freut mich Euch mitzuteilen, dass sich die Stabilität in den letzten paar Wochen signifikant verbessert hat... 2 DAUMEN HOCH

Toni gave CyberGhostVPN: 5.00 stars

habe CyberGhost VPN auf diversen Plattformen laufen (Android, Win) und es läuft perfekt!

MM gave CyberGhostVPN: 1.00 stars

There are certain inconveniences you expect when using a VPN--like reduced online speeds. But some problems are so fundamental that a company that offers privacy services ought not to suffer from them--and when the problems do manifest, the support team should either be able to fix them immediately or minimally refund a client for failed service. While on a 1+ year subscription plan with CyberGhost, my VPN connection very frequently failed. I contacted the CG "support" team (email) and followed their superficial trouble-shooting explicitly. This usually amounts to either choosing a different server OR completely removing the software from your computer and then re-installing the most up-to-date software version. I did this so many times I actually set up CG on a computer with just the bare programs on it (operating system, web browser...) so I could scrub the computer (completely erase the OS, factory re-install, then update the OS and critical programs like CG) if CG began failing again and then reinstall CG. No matter what I did, eventually the CG dropped connection issue would resurface. Customer support was no help as they had only two responses to the problem--both which I'd tried again and again. Then it finally happened. While CG (most up-to-date version for my OS at the time) was up and running, internet kill-switch active (by default), I stepped away from my computer while sending/downloading sensitive files. I returned to my computer to see CG OFF/disconnected but my computer online. WITH MY SENSITIVE DATA DISCLOSED, leading to a very serious account compromise. This happened multiple times. CyberGhost's support team was very cavalier about it when I told them. They took no responsibility for their product's continual failure. I asked for a partial refund for the time remaining in my subscription in light of CG having failed, repeatedly, in its most important duty--to safeguard my internet traffic from predatory eyes. The CG team REFUSED to refund me for the time remaining. Then they had the gall to write to me, " If there's any way you feel we could improve our product or service please don't hesitate to let us know." The above direct quote exemplifies the kind of support you can expect if something serious goes wrong with their service. Imagine if you purchased an emergency roadside service subscription, broke down, called the service for help, and they couldn't help you. But when you asked for a refund for the remainder of your subscription, they refused. What are you paying for? CyberGhost repeatedly failed to fix its frequent disconnection problems and its failed internet kill-switch (should have killed the internet once the connection to CG was dropped--but it didn't). And then once, due to these two failures, my data was disclosed, to my detriment, the company not only refused to accept any responsibility and refused to partially refund me, it then vacuously asks me how it could improve its service. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? I'm now with a competitor VPN service. I've tested it--breaking the connection to the kill-switch activated programs and have seen the programs terminate once the connection to the VPN is severed. And I've left my machine on continuously with an online stopwatch to find out if/when I'm disconnected from the internet or if the VPN fails. The VPN has remained active consistently without a hitch. VPN services make these bold claims about protecting your privacy. All it takes is a single failure in the program for very sensitive data to be divulged and you to suffer the consequences you subscribed to the VPN service to avoid. CyberGhost failed me at multiple points in our relationship leading up to the data breach. Better NOT to have a VPN than to have one and feel falsely secure. UPDATE From CyberGhost's reply below, shrewd shoppers can infer what CygerGhost's anemic response really means: their administrators' refusal to accept responsibility for their product's repeated failures and their tech support's inability or lack of motivation to do anything about it. Caveat emptor.

Enfu gave CyberGhostVPN: 5.00 stars

Best VPN I ever used

Christian gave CyberGhostVPN: 5.00 stars

Benutze CyberGhost VPN schon einige Jahre, bin immer zufrieden. Streaming funktioniert einwandfrei. Macht weiter so, vielen Dank. MfG Christian

volkmar voigt gave CyberGhostVPN: 5.00 stars

excellent connection to my homeland - i am very happy that i can watch now the german tv all the way. ein gute verbindung zu deutschland, wo ich vor 71 geboren wurde

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